TAO Toolkit - NVIDIA Tesla K80


Is the “NVIDIA Tesla K80” supported by TAO Toolkit?

In the requirements is says:
“TAO Toolkit is supported on A100, V100 and RTX 30x0 GPUs.”

Are these GPUs the only ones compatible?

Luis Silva

Besides A100, V100 and RTX 30x0 GPUs, many other GPUs are supported.
But for K80, it is a bit old. It has compute capability of 3.7 only.
Suggest using dgpu which has compute capability of 5.2 or above.
See CUDA GPUs - Compute Capability | NVIDIA Developer
Unable to train | tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: Conv2DCustomBackpropInputOp only supports NHWC - #4 by saketm2408

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Thanks for the help