TCP/IP Connection to be disconnected with the real robot

Hi there,

I have successfully started controlling my robot via ros2 services (the packages/nodes were created by the robot company: Dobot). I am facing a problem at this time, my robot and the simulation works together through ros2 services (TCP/IP connection). However to avoid any physical problems, I want to run it first on the simulation.

Upon my preliminary studies: my package has different files:

src/command.cpp, cr_robot_ros2.cpp, main.cpp, parseTool.cpp and tcp_socket.cpp
include/command.h, cr_robot_ros2.h, main.h, parseTool.h and tcp_socket.h

So, my queries are:

i. How can I disconnect this connection between real robot and simulation
ii. Is there any other way to run ros2 services on simulation standalone

Any leads will be highly appreciated.

Hey @shakeelsindhu! I am not sure I fully understand your request. More clarification might be helpful for me.

What do you mean by ROS2 services? Do you mean services or just ROS2 in general?

What do you mean your “robot and the simulation works together through ros2 services”? Are you controlling the physical robot and the sim robot at the same time?

For Isaac Sim, we use ros2_bridge to communicate between Isaac Sim and ROS2 side. We have a ROS2 navigation example using nova carter robot. Is this what you want to achieve with the robot from Dobot?