Template Functions on CUDA template<typename T> void allocateGPU(T* array, uint size)


I would like to know how I can do the following code work?



// cudautils.h



void allocateGPU(T* array, unsigned int size);


void freeGPU(T* array);


// cudautils.cu



void allocateGPU(T* array, unsigned int size)


   cudaMalloc((void**)&array, sizeof(T) * size);



void allocateGPU(T* array, unsigned int size)





// main.cpp



using namespace std;

#include “cudautils.h”

int main()


   float* data = 0;

   unsigned int N = 10;

allocateGPU(data, 10);


return 0;



void allocateGPU(T* array, unsigned int size)
cudaMalloc((void**)&array, sizeof(T) * size);

void allocateGPU(T* array, unsigned int size)
Nothing wrong at all, It may works fine.
I usually using template function for allocation
[b]template inline T* AllocateMemory(size_t size)
T* data;
cudaError_t result = cudaMalloc((void**)&data, size);
if (result != cudaSuccess) {
data = NULL;

return data;


template void FreeData(T* data)
if (data != NULL) {
Hope it helpful for you.

When I add cuda codes as cudaMalloc and cudaFree in a template file, it gives me error. I think that this happens because of the c++ compilation does not recognize them.

I did the following using void pointers to simulate template:



// cudautils.h


void* allocateGPU(size_t size);

void freeGPU(void* gpuPtr);


// cudautils.cu


void* allocateGPU(size_t size)


 void* gpuPtr = 0;

cudaMalloc((void**)&gpuPtr, size);

return gpuPtr;


void freeGPU(void* gpuPtr)





// main.cpp


int main()


 int N = 10;

float* data = static_cast<float*>( allocateGPU(sizeof(float) * N) );


return 0;



Now I can use the header cudautils.h in my c++ code. Note that there is no cuda code in the header file.

Why not use Thrust’s memory management facilities:

[1] http://thrust.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc…_functions.html

Yes, sure. But at the moment I want to learn this low level development in CUDA.