[Tensorrt error] Concat operation axis is out of bounds for layer


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**TensorRT 4.
**GPU Type Jetson Xavier NX
**CUDA Version 10.2
**UFF Version 0.69
**Python Version 3.6.9:
**TensorFlow Version 1.15 :

Relevant Files

I’m use Uffparser to parser *.uff model, The *.uff model from tensorflow *.pb model, When I parsering something wrong below:

[TensorRT] ERROR: UffParser: Parser error: hand_landmark_1/stage_1/concat: Concat operation axis is out of bounds for layer hand_landmark_1/stage_1/concat

the concat layer input from three inputs, the concat axis is -1, I don’t know how to solve this problem.

Hi @lzy_lyx,
UFF parser has been deprecated from TRT 7 onwards,
hence we recommend you to try the latest trt release with any of the two approaches mentioned below
pn << ONNX << TRT
