TensorRT on Jetson nano

Hi all,
I am working on Jetson Nano which has jetpack 4.5.
So, where can I find the TensoRT path “lib” or “include” for example: “/usr/local/TensorRT-7.1.3/include” ???
Thank you !!!


Please check following for the TensorRT path:

INC: /usr/include/aarch64-linux-gnu/
LIB: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu


Thanks for your rep.
but there are a lot of file in your above path. I can see any file related to tensorrt.
i am not clear about that much. Please show me more !!


Those are TensorRT.

  • NvInfer.h <= header
  • libnvinfer <= library

You can see more detail file list from next link:

Library Version Check

  • dpkg -l | grep nvinfer or TensorRT

And I think It would be helpful with beginning.