texture interpolation double precision possible?

I have two questions about using textures to do interpolation:

  1. Is it normal that I get an interpolation error marge of up to 0.1%? The 4th significant number varies
    in my program…

  2. Is there a way to correct this using double precision or something or is this impossible in texture interpolation?


If you look at Appendix D.2 in the programming guide, you see how the interpolation is calculated. One thing that is noted is that the interpolating fraction (the number which goes from 0 to 1 between two points) only has 8-bits of precision on the fractional part. That is about the right size for the error you see.

There is no way to improve this precision using the hardware interpolator. If you want to do better, you will have to compute the interpolation yourself (single precision will do much better than 0.1%) in the CUDA kernel.

FYI, here’s a drop-in function to do a higher-precision interpolated texture lookup. It assumes the texture reference is set to non-normalized coordinates and point sampling.

template<class T, class R>  // return type, texture type


R tex2DBilinear(const texture<T, 2, cudaReadModeNormalizedFloat> tex, float x, float y)


	x -= 0.5f;

	y -= 0.5f;

	float px = floorf(x);   // integer position

	float py = floorf(y);

	float fx = x - px;	  // fractional position

	float fy = y - py;

	px += 0.5f;

	py += 0.5f;

	return lerp( lerp( tex2D(tex, px, py),		tex2D(tex, px + 1.0f, py), fx ),

				 lerp( tex2D(tex, px, py + 1.0f), tex2D(tex, px + 1.0f, py + 1.0f), fx ), fy );
