The default folders that should exist at home do not exist

Please provide the following info (check/uncheck the boxes after creating this topic):
Software Version
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.6
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.6 and DriveWorks 4.0
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.0
[O] DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.0 and DriveWorks 3.5
NVIDIA DRIVE™ Software 10.0 (Linux)
NVIDIA DRIVE™ Software 9.0 (Linux)
other DRIVE OS version

Target Operating System
[O] Linux

Hardware Platform
[O] NVIDIA DRIVE™ AGX Xavier DevKit (E3550)
NVIDIA DRIVE™ AGX Pegasus DevKit (E3550)

SDK Manager Version

Host Machine Version
[O] native Ubuntu 18.04

Hello, I just flashed my Drive Agx Xavier.
But after I checked the (/home/$user), there’s nothing default folders(ex: Downloads, Documents etc) are exist. Can you tell me what’s the problem?


Dear @M750e,
Please double check if you have used the same user to flash target.
But after I checked the (/home/$user), there’s nothing default folders

Do you see ~/.nvsdkm folder at user’s home($HOME) folder ? Please share ~/.nvsdkm/logs folder and ~/.nvsdkm/sdkm*.log for confirming the status of flashing.

Where do I have to check (~/.nvsdkm) folder? HOST PC or Xavier?

Dear @M750e,
Please check on host.

Hello, this is normal behavior. DRIVE OS is a minimal file system and does not include unnecessary packages, which means some default folders like Downloads and Documents are not included.

I see, Thanks for your reply.

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