The ISSAC SIM has a bug in its IMU and cannot be used for SLAM

The ISSAC SIM has a bug in its IMU and cannot be used for SLAM. I tried Vins-Mono and orbslam3. None of them work with IMU.

I encountered a lot of problems along the way. For example, when the robot moves backwards in a straight line, the IMU angular velocity reading has a y value of 0.08. But when the robot moves forward in a straight line, the y value of the IMU angular velocity reading changes to 2. I don’t know why.

If the IMU frequency is greater than 100Hz, I run: rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard When the robot is stationary, the IMU measurement is also constantly changing. And the higher the IMU frequency, the greater the noise. Sometimes I see the coordinates of the robot body changing, even though the robot is not moving.

To sum up, I think IMU for the ISSAC SIM simulator so far are problematic and cannot be used to do SLAM.

Thank you for the feedback and patience, we are actively making changes and fixing the IMU sensor and hope to address those issues in the upcoming releases.