the problem when linking in code::blocks ide ide timestamp link

I am trying to use code::blocks as the cuda ide according to this post:
[url=“Musings of an astro-boy: CUDA in Code::Blocks”][/url]

it is really great. But when i try to compile the SDK project MersenneTwister, i get the error :

-------------- Build: debug in MersenneTwister ---------------

WARNING: Can’t read file’s timestamp: /home/math/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK2_CodeBlocks/projects/MersenneTwister/
WARNING: Can’t read file’s timestamp: /home/math/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK2_CodeBlocks/projects/MersenneTwister/MersenneTwister_gold.cpp
WARNING: Can’t read file’s timestamp: /home/math/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK/NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK2_CodeBlocks/projects/MersenneTwister/genmtrand.c
Linking console executable: …/…/bin/linux/debug/MersenneTwister
g++: obj/debug/MersenneTwister.o: No such file or directory
g++: obj/debug/MersenneTwister_gold.o: No such file or directory
g++: obj/debug/genmtrand.o: No such file or directory
Process terminated with status 255 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings

what is the meaning of cannot read timestamp? Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.

I use code::blocks too and I don’t get this problem with SDK 2.3 and selecting custom makefile option.


Thanks a lot. I try the method and but encounter a new problem. linker report that it can not read timestamp in the file.

why? thanks.

Did you check if those 3 files actually exist on your hard drive in the specified location?
