[Thrust] is there a managed_vector? With Unified Memory do we still only have device_vector? [Cuda Thrust Managed Vectors]

Title should be clear.

I have a 12GB dataset and since it can’t all fit in device memory, I want to use managed vectors with thrust. Is there a way to use managed memory with thrust? Particularly with thrust::sort, thrust::erase, and thrust::lower_bound.


Looks like this has been asked before.

and here:

No, there is no managed_vector. But you can create a device_vector with managed_memory and it should work mostly identical it seems:

// Allocate managed memory for indices
cudaMallocManaged((void **)&A, sizeof(int)*N);

thrust::device_ptr indices(A);

correct, there is no managed vector, currently

Perhaps I’m being pedantic, but I wouldn’t say the discussions you’ve linked show usage of thrust::device_vector with managed memory. They show usage of thrust::device_ptr with managed memory. They are not the same, however based on what you’ve mentioned so far, I’m assuming thrust::device_ptr should meet your needs.

In order to have a true thrust::device_vector (which is a true container, device_ptr is not) on top of a managed allocation, it would be necessary to replace the allocator used by thrust::device_vector

I think it’s as simple as this. I adapted Jared’s allocator from https://github.com/jaredhoberock/managed_allocator:

#pragma once

#include <thrust/system_error.h>
#include <thrust/system/cuda/error.h>

template<class T>
class managed_allocator : public thrust::device_malloc_allocator<T>
    using value_type = T;

    typedef thrust::device_ptr<T>  pointer;
    inline pointer allocate(size_t n)
      value_type* result = nullptr;
      cudaError_t error = cudaMallocManaged(&result, n*sizeof(T), cudaMemAttachGlobal);
      if(error != cudaSuccess)
        throw thrust::system_error(error, thrust::cuda_category(), "managed_allocator::allocate(): cudaMallocManaged");
      return thrust::device_pointer_cast(result);
    inline void deallocate(pointer ptr, size_t)
      cudaError_t error = cudaFree(thrust::raw_pointer_cast(ptr));
      if(error != cudaSuccess)
        throw thrust::system_error(error, thrust::cuda_category(), "managed_allocator::deallocate(): cudaFree");

Use it like:

template<class T>
using managed_device_vector = thrust::device_vector<T, managed_allocator<T>>;

// use it as a normal device vector
managed_device_vector myDeviceVector ( first, last);
... etc ...

Thanks for this very helpful code! The link to Jared’s allocator is broken.

Also I want to be able to:

cudaMallocManaged(&result, n*sizeof(T), cudaMemAttachGlobal)


cudaMallocManaged(&result, n*sizeof(T), cudaMemAttachHost)

Is it possible to make the flag passed to cudaMallocManaged be a template:

// CMallocFlag can be either cudaMemAttachHost or cudaMemAttachGlobal?
template<class T, unsigned int CMallocFlag>
class managed_allocator : public thrust::device_malloc_allocator<T>
    using value_type = T;

    typedef thrust::device_ptr<T>  pointer;
    inline pointer allocate(size_t n)
      value_type* result = nullptr;

      cudaError_t error = cudaMallocManaged(&result, n*sizeof(T), CMallocFlag);

      if(error != cudaSuccess)
        throw thrust::system_error(error, thrust::cuda_category(), "managed_allocator::allocate(): cudaMallocManaged");

      return thrust::device_pointer_cast(result);

    inline void deallocate(pointer ptr, size_t)
      cudaError_t error = cudaFree(thrust::raw_pointer_cast(ptr));

      if(error != cudaSuccess)
        throw thrust::system_error(error, thrust::cuda_category(), "managed_allocator::deallocate(): cudaFree");

template<class T>
using managed_host_vector = thrust::device_vector<T, managed_allocator<T, cudaMemAttachHost>>;
template<class T>
using managed_device_vector = thrust::device_vector<T, managed_allocator<T, cudaMemAttachGlobal>>;