Timed out waiting for transform from base_link to odom to become available,

“I am currently going through the Isaac Sim ROS tutorial.”
“I am using WSL2 with the Humble version.”
“I followed the tutorial, but I encountered the error mentioned in the title.”
“I am looking for solutions or any advice that could help.”
“Thank you.”

[component_container_isolated-2] [INFO] [1714752249.483706332] [local_costmap.local_costmap]: Timed out waiting for transform from base_link to odom to become available, tf error: Invalid frame ID “odom” passed to canTransform argument target_frame - frame does not exist"

I’m meeting the same problem, may I ask did you solve it?

“I found it impossible. So I’m using an additional Linux computer. If I find a solution, I’ll share it.”

Thanks for your reply, I switched the environment to ubuntu22 and nav2 finally ran correctly