TK1 Flash Hangs Waiting for Bootloader to Initialize

This is happening on our new devices. We can still flash our older TK1s. Serial output does not indicate any errors. It just hangs. Here is the serial output:

[0000.000] [TegraBoot] (version UNDEF_BUILD)
[0000.004] Reset reason: power on reset
[0000.008] Processing in recovery mode
[0000.011] Established communication link with host
[0001.142] No Battery Present
[0001.146] Sdram initialization is successful 
[0001.216] Downloaded bootloader successfully 
[0001.220] CPU-bootloader entry address: 0x83d88000 
[0001.225] BoardId: 375
[0001.227] Vpr Carveout Base=0x0f4600000 Size=0x00ba00000
[0001.232] Tsec Carveout Base=0x0f2600000 Size=0x002000000
[0001.237] Lp0 Carveout Base=0x0f25ff000 Size=0x000001000
[0001.243] Xusb Carveout Base=0x0f2300000 Size=0x000200000
[0001.248] Platform-DebugCarveout: 0
[0001.275] CPU power rail is up 
[0001.278] Performing RAM repair
[0001.281] CPU clock init successful 
[0001.284] Starting CPU & Halting co-processor
NVRM Initialized shmoo database
NVRM CLOCKS: PLLX0:      696000 Khz
NVRM CLOCKS: PLLM0:      924000 Khz
NVRM CLOCKS: PLLC0:      0 Khz
NVRM CLOCKS: PLLP0:      408000 Khz
NVRM CLOCKS: PLLA0:      11289 Khz
NVRM CLOCKS: CPU:        696000 Khz
NVRM CLOCKS: AVP:        48000 Khz
NVRM CLOCKS: System Bus: 48000 Khz
NVRM CLOCKS: Memory Controller: 924000
NVRM CLOCKS: External Memory Controller: 924000
EEPROM instance-5: No slave at this instance.
EEPROM instance-0: No slave at this instance.
EEPROM instance-0: Querying board info from BCT.
EEPROM instance-0: No board info available for this instance in BCT.
EEPROM instance-1: No slave at this instance.
EEPROM instance-1: Querying board info from BCT.
EEPROM instance-1: Board info present in BCT is invalid.
EEPROM instance-2: No slave at this instance.
EEPROM instance-2: Querying board info from BCT.
EEPROM instance-2: No board info available for this instance in BCT.
EEPROM instance-3: No slave at this instance.
EEPROM instance-3: Querying board info from BCT.
EEPROM instance-3: No board info available for this instance in BCT.
EEPROM instance-4: No slave at this instance.
EEPROM instance-4: Querying board info from BCT.
EEPROM instance-4: Board info present in BCT is invalid.
EEPROM instance-5: No slave at this instance.
EEPROM instance-5: Querying board info from BCT.
EEPROM instance-5: Board info present in BCT is invalid.
EEPROM instance-6: BoardInfo: 0x0001:0x0007:0375:0000:03:D:00:0xff:0xff:0xff:0xff:0xff:0xff
EEPROM instance-7: No slave at this instance.
EEPROM instance-7: Querying board info from BCT.
EEPROM instance-7: No board info available for this instance in BCT.
Final BoardID: proc: 375 and pmu 375
MC clock is set to 924000 KHz
EMC clock is set to 924000 KHz (DDR clock is at 924000 KHz)
PLLX0 clock is set to 696000 KHz
PLLC0 clock is set to      0 KHz
CPU clock is set to 696000 KHz
System and AVP clock is set to  48000 KHz
GraphicsHost clock is set to 163200 KHz
MSENC clock is set to  92400 KHz
Vde clock is set to 204000 KHz

The command we are using is ./nvflash --rawdevicewrite 0 3849216 clone.img --bl ardbeg/fastboot.bin --go

The boards we can flash have the same output but then continue. Any thoughts or steps I can try?

Is your host a VM?

It is not a VM.

We have two versions of JetPack installed. I am running the same command from the folder of the new version and it appears to be flashing. If this works I will update this thread with version information for anyone that runs into this.

UPDATE: The original version was listed as 1.2. This worked on devices purchased prior to July 2017. The newer version is listed as 2.3. It seems to work on our new devices as well as our old devices.