Too much data for graphs

In digits the graphs are becoming too busy and I need a way to extract the data from the graph so I can do some more detailed analysis. Is there any recommended way to create custom graphs in digits? Is there any way I can extract the data so it could be analyzed by other software? As you can see in my sample once you have many object classes the graphs are falling short. Example: [url][/url]

If you would like to get that information to be consumed by another software, one way is to search for drawCombinedGraph function inside the GET response of $DIGITS_URL$/models/$JOB_ID. The graph data is embedded in the html.

You can request for the json response of model graph at , so we can add that in the future release.

Thank you very much. I also found the python .pickle files in the Digits Jobs directory which contained the data. I have a few suggestions to recommend, but your link is not working.

The automatically generated URL included a tailing ‘,’ and caused the URL failing. Sorry about that. Now it is fixed.