Tracker in imagedata multistream python application

Hi all!
I was wondering if it was possible to incorporate the tracker functionality (like the one in deepstream_test2) into the deepstream_image_multistream application. What I want to do is track the vehicles as they come into the IP camera’s (rtsp stream) field of view by having them assigned a tracking id when they are detected.

Yes, refer deepstream_python_apps/ at master · NVIDIA-AI-IOT/deepstream_python_apps · GitHub

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Were you able to solve this? I’m taking a look at test_2 and multistream pipes but don’t quite understand where to connect the pipe:

DS_test_2py pipe: streammux → pgie → tracker → sgie1 → sgie2 → sgie3 → nvidconv → …
multistream pipe: streammux → pgie → nvvidconv1 → filter1 → tiler → nvidconv → …

So I want to be sure: should I put the tracker also linked directly to the pgie? Or after nvvidconv1 and filter1 that are needed to RGBA the frame and save it?

Thanks in advance,