Training multi-class UNet does not converge

I did the png conversion but skipped the regularization weight and data augmentation adjustments, and now it actually works with Mapillary Vistas. For completeness, I will list all necessary steps in this message, although most of them are copied from my previous messages.

  1. Image and label resizing using Python:
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

TRAIN_IMAGE_DIR = '/path/to/mapillary_vistas_2/training/images'
TRAIN_LABEL_DIR = '/path/to/mapillary_vistas_2/training/v2.0/labels'
VAL_IMAGE_DIR = '/path/to/mapillary_vistas_2/validation/images'
VAL_LABEL_DIR = '/path/to/mapillary_vistas_2/validation/v2.0/labels'

target_size = (512, 512)
dir_suffix = '_{}x{}'.format(*target_size)

def resize_image(filename_old, filename_new):
    image = cv.imread(filename_old, cv.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
    image = cv.resize(image, dsize=target_size, interpolation=cv.INTER_AREA)
    cv.imwrite(filename_new, image)

def resize_label(filename_old, filename_new):
    image = np.array('P'))
    image = cv.resize(image, dsize=target_size, interpolation=cv.INTER_NEAREST)
    cv.imwrite(filename_new, image)

def process_dir(dirname_old, resize_fun):
    dirname_new = os.path.normpath(dirname_old) + dir_suffix
    if os.path.exists(dirname_new):
        print('{} already exists, skipping'.format(dirname_new))
    files = os.listdir(dirname_old)
    for f in files:
        filename_old = os.path.join(dirname_old, f)
        filename_new = os.path.join(dirname_new, f)
        resize_fun(filename_old, filename_new)

for d in image_dirs:
    process_dir(d, resize_image)

for d in label_dirs:
    process_dir(d, resize_label)
  1. Jpg-to-png conversion (this could probably be easily done by modifying the Python script above, but since I had already run it, I used convert instead):
mkdir /path/to/mapillary_vistas_2/training/images_512x512_png
for f in /path/to/mapillary_vistas_2/training/images_512x512/*.jpg
    convert "$f" /path/to/mapillary_vistas_2/training/images_512x512_png/$(basename "$f" .jpg).png

mkdir /path/to/mapillary_vistas_2/validation/images_512x512_png
for f in /path/to/mapillary_vistas_2/validation/images_512x512/*.jpg
    convert "$f" /path/to/mapillary_vistas_2/validation/images_512x512_png/$(basename "$f" .jpg).png
  1. Docker launch:
docker run -it --gpus all \
  -v /path/to/mapillary_vistas_2:/mapillary_vistas_2:ro \
  -v /path/to/my_folder:/workspace/my_folder \
  1. Model download (note that this is using TAO although the docker image is TLT):
ngc registry model download-version nvidia/tao/pretrained_semantic_segmentation:resnet18
  1. Spec file and training command:
    model.txt (19.5 KB)
unet train \
  -e /workspace/my_folder/model.txt \
  -m /workspace/pretrained_semantic_segmentation_vresnet18/resnet_18.hdf5 \
  -r /workspace/my_folder/output \
  -k my_key

This is the training loss:

And this is the inference result:

Things to note:

  • Automatic mixed precision was not used
  • All images were png
  • All image aspect ratios matched the network input aspect ratio
  • All images actually had the same size as the network input, but I assume this is not necessary

Also, when resizing labels, it is important to make sure that the output is in single-channel format, and that the interpolation method is chosen such that no spurious labels are introduced. The above Python scripts does the resizing properly.

I won’t mark this as solved yet, because I want to train the network using the BDD100K dataset which was my original goal. I also want to run inference with different image sizes. Next, I will investigate whether I can achieve these goals.