Training PoseClassificationNet for customised activities

• Network Type (Detectnet_v2/Faster_rcnn/Yolo_v4/LPRnet/Mask_rcnn/Classification/etc) PoseClassificationNet

I am training PoseClassificationNet for customized activities.
I am not using all 34 key points.
The features used in training are speed and length converted from some keypoints.
How can I use PoseClassificationNet to train customized dataset?
Because PoseClassificationNet needs to specify graph_layout and graph_strategy in training.
Is it possible to train using PoseClassificationNet?

You can refer to tao_pytorch_backend/nvidia_tao_pytorch/cv/pose_classification/model/ at 9c2d94c0635b1117edfea85a94a6e3d0ead53754 · NVIDIA/tao_pytorch_backend · GitHub and modify it to meet your key points.
Similar topic is PoseClassificationNet Model training on custom dataset.

This post has only question and no solution

Different keypoints are expected to work. There are some dataset mentioned in tao_pytorch_backend/nvidia_tao_pytorch/cv/pose_classification/model/ at 9c2d94c0635b1117edfea85a94a6e3d0ead53754 · NVIDIA/tao_pytorch_backend · GitHub. They have different keypoints.

Thank you. Let me try

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