Tutorial for train a object detection model for 4 classes objects

thanks Morganh.
the target classes are listed in post, as:
Bicycle, Motocycle, People. (late will add a new private custom door sign, but can leave it for now).

so the questions come to me:

  1. Any existed models in NGC can santisfy? That means i can directly use in deepstream.
  2. if I have to train on public dataset, any tutorial to follow based on TAO toolkit to train on well-know public dataset? As I know at least those database are in different labeling format that TAO does not support.
  3. Can I train by steps from From github user nv-Dusty: training-the-ssd-mobilenet-model which finally convert to a model with .onnx format, what is the pros and cons from train directly by TAO? at least i see an issue

thank you.