Two DP setting


The dtb should be put under Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb.

Thanks for reply
but it was not effect anything

What was the result under /proc/device-tree?

i changed sor1 DP port as mentioned

Could you add arbitrary string (e.g. your name) in dts and see if it take effect?

what it means?

Add something like “1234567” or “jaejun.sim” under the dts.
Flash it to the board and see if this string can be seen under /proc/device-tree.

If you can see it, it means the flash is working and there is something else make your dp still disabled.

Do you mean like this?

Yes, “test11111;” should be fine.
No need that “{}”.

it does not color if i remove “{}”
is it okay?

yes, it should be fine.

Thanks @WayneWWW

actually i flashed
but there was not test1111111111111 in the /proc/device-tree

Please share the full steps you have tried to flash the dtb. Also, please show me the flash log and dmesg.

i use jetpack latest version

And the flash log?

here is flash log

Could you open your /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf on your jetson and show me the content?

Thanks for helping me @WayneWWW

DEFAULT primary

MENU TITLE L4T boot options

under other command was start from # so i remove at here


is it change the device tree?

Could you share your dtb file here? I want to flash it to my device and see what is going one.

Also, what is the software release you are using? jp4.4.1?