Tx2 failed to receive image data from mipi lane A&B 4lane

The platform is TX2 / Linux 32.7.4

Hardware configuration is as follows:

sensor–> TI DS90UB933 (serializer)--------TI DS90UB960 (deserializer)–> TX2 MIPI CSI2(4 lane) AB Fail
sensor–> TI DS90UB933 (serializer)--------
sensor–> TI DS90UB933 (serializer)--------
sensor–> TI DS90UB933 (serializer)--------

sensor–> TI DS90UB933 (serializer)--------TI DS90UB960 (deserializer)–> TX2 MIPI CSI2(4 lane) CD OK
sensor–> TI DS90UB933 (serializer)--------
sensor–> TI DS90UB933 (serializer)--------
sensor–> TI DS90UB933 (serializer)--------

The problem is:

TX2 failed to receive image data from MIPI CSI2 AB. MIPI CSI2 CD is ok.

How to fix this problem.

If confirm the device tree configure without problem, I would suspect it could be HW problem.

Thanks for your reply. I check with HW team. I have 8 tx2 boad several types of Rev etc D&E and des daugter card . I change the other tx2 boad . I can see tha 8 camera . Thank you.

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