TX2 Wifi problems

Alright, I will try that and let you know


@WayneWWW I have the same issues. I am running ROS on my TX2 board around the campus. When I travel from one room to the other, I experience a wifi drop as it attempts to switch AP. What I observed is that I am prompted to key in the password. Since I have saved the password, it appears and I simply need to enter the “Enter” button. However, sometimes I have other windows in focus and that fix dosent work. It really dosent work as a headless unit with network connectivity. I am looking for a solution that avoids having a cron job that reconnects every 30seconds or so.

I can confirm that connectivity is at full strength at the two rooms, judging from my laptop running Ubuntu 16.04.
I have managed to reproduce the problem pure JetPack 3.2 and have ruled out any additional packages or settings I might have introduced into the system. Please advice how I might share the AP configuration you’re looking for.

Thanks alot.


Please file a new topic and discuss there. Thanks.