typedef image types causes ptxas errors

my OpenCL program fails to build with return value CL_INVALID_BINARY with error

ptxas application ptx input, line 36; fatal   : Parsing error near '-': syntax error

ptxas fatal   : Ptx assembly aborted due to errors

error   : Ptx compilation failed: gpu='sm_20', device code='cuModuleLoadDataEx_6'

: Considering profile 'compute_20' for gpu='sm_20' in 'cuModuleLoadDataEx_6'

: Retrieving binary for 'cuModuleLoadDataEx_6', for gpu='sm_20', usage mode='  '

: Considering profile 'compute_20' for gpu='sm_20' in 'cuModuleLoadDataEx_6'

: Control flags for 'cuModuleLoadDataEx_6' disable search path

: Ptx binary found for 'cuModuleLoadDataEx_6', architecture='compute_20'

: Ptx compilation for 'cuModuleLoadDataEx_6', for gpu='sm_20', ocg options='  '

where the program source looks like

typedef __read_only image2d_t i2;

__kernel void shade_kernel(i2 texture, __global float4 * out)


int2 coords=(get_global_id(0),get_global_id(1));



*out = read_imagef(texture,texsampler,coords);


if I change the kernel to

typedef __read_only image2d_t i2;

__kernel void shade_kernel(i2 texture, __global float4 * out, sampler_t texsampler)


int2 coords=(get_global_id(0),get_global_id(1));

*out = read_imagef(texture,texsampler,coords);


the error message becomes

ptxas application ptx input, line 36; error   : Unknown symbol 'shade_kernel_param_32666'

ptxas fatal   : Ptx assembly aborted due to errors

error   : Ptx compilation failed: gpu='sm_20', device code='cuModuleLoadDataEx_6'

: Considering profile 'compute_20' for gpu='sm_20' in 'cuModuleLoadDataEx_6'

: Retrieving binary for 'cuModuleLoadDataEx_6', for gpu='sm_20', usage mode='  '

: Considering profile 'compute_20' for gpu='sm_20' in 'cuModuleLoadDataEx_6'

: Control flags for 'cuModuleLoadDataEx_6' disable search path

: Ptx binary found for 'cuModuleLoadDataEx_6', architecture='compute_20'

: Ptx compilation for 'cuModuleLoadDataEx_6', for gpu='sm_20', ocg options='  '

with the number in shade_kernel_param_ being different on every run

in both these cases, this can be solved by substituting “i2” with “__read_only image2d_t”, but that is not possible in cases where I have “__global i2 * textures” as a kernel parameter (which is where I encounterd this bug)

driver version is 258.19 devrelease on Linux, device is GTX480