UAVCAN on Xavier NX?


We’re working on implementing the Xavier NX on our UAV platform and would require to use the UAVCAN protocol for the CAN bus:

the library includes some C Libraries with hardware abstraction: GitHub - OpenCyphal/libcanard: A compact implementation of the Cyphal/CAN protocol in C for high-integrity real-time embedded systems

But it’s not clear how compatible this would be with NX. Would this be possible, and if so could we implement this?


Hi alex,
CAN in Jetson is based on:
ISO 11898-4, time triggered communication
ISO/CD 11898-1 CAN FD Frame formats
CAN 2.0 A, B Software Compatible
There is no SW available to use UAVCAN with Jetson, you can try it out if it comes with the above format.