Ubuntu 21.10 - "Failed to grab modeset ownership" with 495.44

Basically, for Ubuntu users, the solution to all these bad problems is to get rid of NVIDIA. Definitely, this is the last time I buy one. What a nice support.

As I read it it, this is message does not translate into a real-world problem, except creating a small mess in dmesg.

Amrit’s description here describes the root cause and why it’s expected when applications open DRI device nodes while another nvidia-modeset client is holding modeset permission.

If this message really bothers you, you can work around it by enabling the fbdev=1 parameter to nvidia-drm. This makes applications such as Xorg first take DRM “master” before taking modeset ownership so it prevents the messages from appearing.

As Amrit noted, the message is harmless and expected if nvidia-modeset clients such as Xorg are already holding modeset ownership.

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I’ve tried most of the suggestions in this thread, including tacking fbdev=1 onto nvidia-drm at the kernel command line. I still see the same error in the logs and the same slow login behavior as the X server is initializing. I wouldn’t bother, but it’s really not harmless. I’m seeing a delay of several minutes every time I log in. Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated.

About freezing computer after resuming computer from sleep. I think the root problem is not nvidia driver. Let me ask from another point of view: is there anyone who got computer freezes and NOT using Gnome + Wayland?

I am using Gnome without Wayland and I am having all these issues, like OS lagginess, waiting a long time to shut down the computer, sometimes my notebook screen not showing any image, etc. Everything goes away when I disable NVIDIA and use the integrated graphics card. I confess I am thinking about buying another graphic card as the NVIDIA one only shows problems.

I have Ubuntu 23.10 after updates, gtx650t graphics card and nvidia 470 driver. After suspending the computer, when I do a wakeup it turns on but there is no image. There is no such problem on the integrated graphics card. Does anyone know a way to fix this?

I had an exact same issue and I tracked it to a crash of an nvidia driver (in version 545). So the fix is something that driver’s developer has to do.

“a solution” in my case was to switch to "-server line of drivers where the suspend works for me.

Please stop posting, it’s not an error in the nvidia driver but an application misbehaving. The nvidia driver just being the messenger.