Ultralytics messes up my system during execution

I am trying to run ultralytics yolo V5 on a xavier nx, but during execution it simply removes the installed torch and torchvision and replaces them with its versions which, unsurprisingly, do not work

There must be a way to prevent a system to download automatically packages, messing up the system

Using docker images are not a solution I am afraid


Have you run any commands related to install?
Or just start a python script?


The problem happens when I run a python program I created. It just imports the libraries, and when it is time to import ultralytics, it starts to replace the librariers I have


Sorry for the late update.

Have you checked this issue with the Ultralytics team?
So they can provide help directly?


I did and they told me to use venv, which apparently solved the problem. Old fashioned but effective

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