Hi, I’m relatively new to this world, so sorry for any lack of details, please let me know if something else is needed.
i am running the sdk manager on ubunto 20.04
I’m trying to load jetpack 5.1.4 on the jetson Xavier nx, directly to the ssd through the sdk manager,
as ssd I’m using a nvme Ediloca EN605 M.2 SSD PCle 3.0x4, the sdk manager performs the initial flash correctly , but when the xavier starts the boot, after the initial “nvidia” loading screen it seems to enter an infinite loop where it continues to reset or else it does entere in some sort of sleep mode where the cooling fan spins time to time but there is any video output.
in the boot options on the board, the ssd is displayed as option but even by selecting it manually I never get the operating system to load
if on the boot manager menu i try to boot from other source such as the eMMC it just bring me back to the boot manager menu
I already tried flashing again, but the result is the same
in the attached images there is the boot manager photo and the last messages that the xavier returns, to then no longer return any video output, except when it does reset which then returns to the boot screen
Apparently i can only upload one photo but the last output i see is something like this:
Aptemping direct boot
EFI stub: bootomg linux kernel…
EFI stub: using BTB from configuration table
EFI stub: Loaded initrd from LINUX_Efi_Initrb_MEDIA_Guid devicw path
EFI stub: exiting boot services and installing virtual address map…