Unable to import Autocad files - Conversion FAILED: Return code: -10007

Unable to import AutoCAD files when using IsaacSim or USD Composer and CAD Converter version = “200.1.0-rc.18”

When importing sample files like this sample from Architectural - Annotation, Scaling and Multileaders

Fails with error

| Mon Nov 18 14:05:14 2024
| END OpenFile
| IMPORT TIME -1.73197e+09 seconds
| IMPORT TIME -20045d -22h -5m -11s
| EXPORT TIME -1.39724e+14 seconds
| EXPORT TIME -24855d -3h -14m -8s
| TOTAL TIME  4 seconds
| TOTAL TIME  0d 0h 0m 4s
2024-11-18 22:05:14 [822,620ms] [Warning] [omni.kit.converter.cad_core._impl.cad_converter_helper] Conversion FAILED: Return code: -10007
2024-11-18 22:05:14 [822,620ms] [Warning] [omni.kit.converter.cad_core._impl.cad_converter_helper] Conversion FAILED: Return message: A3D_LOAD_CANNOT_LOAD_MODEL

Hi there and thanks for the inquiry. It seems like you’re trying to import a DWG cad file. Is it a 2D cad file? We don’t directly support that. It would have to be a 3D DWG file or STP, STEP, IGES etc.

Here are a list of supported formats:

User Manual — Omniverse Extensions

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