Unable to install on Win11


I’m getting the below error for a few weeks now - “Application Error: Something happened, please contact support or try restarting the application and installer.”

I don’t have old wsl versions that I installed, below output shows current status:

C:\Users\zzr>wsl.exe --update
Checking for updates.
The most recent version of Windows Subsystem for Linux is already installed.

C:\Users\zzr>wsl -d NVIDIA-Workbench
There is no distribution with the supplied name.
Error code: Wsl/Service/WSL_E_DISTRO_NOT_FOUND

Can someone help getting this installed?

main.log (13.5 KB)

Submission Type
Bug or Error
Feature Request
Documentation Issue

Workbench Version
Desktop App v0.44.8
CLI v0.21.3

Host Machine operating system and location
Local Windows 11
Local Windows 10
Local macOS
Local Ubuntu 22.04
Remote Ubuntu 22.04

Tagging @bfurtaw. Do you mind taking a look at this? Seems like NVIDIA-Workbench distro didn’t download properly.

I can see the file ubuntu-jammy-wsl-amd64-wsl.rootfs.tar.gz in the temp folder and it is complete, passing tests so it is not corrupted. After the download step in the installer, there is a step called “import…”, I believe this is where it fails.

Hi - can you do the following?

  • Open a windows terminal and run: wsl --update
  • Then rerun the Workbench installer.


It’s on my first post, but ran it again:

C:\Users\zzr>wsl --update
Checking for updates.
The most recent version of Windows Subsystem for Linux is already installed.

Running the installer afterwards produces the same error.

Hi - I believe this issue is fixed in the latest release from July 2nd.

Can you download the latest installer from here and run it?

Unfortunately just tried that and it still shows “Something happened, please contact support or try restarting the application and installer.” after downloading the image.
Current main.log attached:

main.log (12.7 KB)

ok. are you available to jump on a call so we can investigate?

Just sent you a PM, happy to do this on a call.

Hi All,
Even I’m facing the same issue, but on windows 10 , has the issue been resolved?
