Unable to join Panda arm and Robotiq-2f-140 gripper, parallel gripper

Hi Guys @philipp.reist, @rthaker, @hijimasa @AlesBorovicka ,

I am facing one issue from last 2 days, I made a Robot by joining 2 robots from isaac sim assets, so no urdfs only usd’s.

After seeing some similar questions in forum, I tried all the things but nothing is working.

  1. first I added both by removing last 3 links of panda and attaching the gripper, it is working first, can able to control with articulation inspector. but when I am trying to control the gripper with code, I cannot able to use parallel gripper.

There it shows,
(i) my_world.reset() tells its not homogenous, yes bcoz it is made of 2 robots and 2 articulations. if I remove that line
(ii) parallel gripper( end_effector_prim_path) it shows did not match rigid bodies with the prim_path, and after chaning the prim_path to different links
(iii) Then it cannot able to call gripper_positions = my_denso.gripper.get_joint_positions()
shows NoneType Object has no attributes.

when doing it 4.0.0, 4.1.0, and 4.2.0 I found that one side of gripper is breaking.

Then I thought initialization of parallel gripper is not good, tried to make the robot again

  1. I saw some tutorials and tried to add the robots using robot assembler in 4.1.0 and 4.2.0, but after assemble they are not assembling gripper is going your direction. :)

  2. I thought, i am removing 3 links of robot and attaching the different robot in between, so i tried to load the panda arm from urdf only till pada_link8, then tried to attach the robotiq gripper but somehow, the gripper is touching the panda robot when gripper closes, I tried scale it to 0.8, it is not touching now, I tried to used for controlling gripper from code, same 1st process.
    link for code and one usd, i made multiple:-
    Please please Help me outhttps://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WKY1olbEylcBE_9sxeRPRgIapAzXKNA_?usp=drive_link
