Unable to locate package nvidia

I am trying to install preemt on my nvidia jetson orin agx developer kit. I am following these guidlines:

Unfortunaly i cant install the nvidia-l4t-rt-kernel.
After running the command i get this output:
malu@malu:~$ sudo apt install nvidia-l4t-rt-kernel nvidia-l4t-rt-kernel-headers nvidia-l4t-rt-kernel-oot-modules nvidia-l4t-display-rt-kernel
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree… Done
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package nvidia-l4t-rt-kernel
E: Unable to locate package nvidia-l4t-rt-kernel-headers
E: Unable to locate package nvidia-l4t-rt-kernel-oot-modules
E: Unable to locate package nvidia-l4t-display-rt-kernel
Thanks for your help!

Based on this: Unable to install Real-Time Kernel Package,
the procedure you are using is for Jetpack 5(r35.x) releases. What Jetpack version are you using?

Manuel Leiva
Embedded SW Engineer at RidgeRun
Contact us: support@ridgerun.com
Developers wiki: https://developer.ridgerun.com
Website: www.ridgerun.com

Im using the Jetpack6 (r36.4).


I tried with R36.3.0 and I saw the same problem you reported, I think you should tried to apply the RT kernel patches.

Please see the instructions here: Kernel Customization — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation for r36.4

Manuel Leiva
Embedded SW Engineer at RidgeRun
Contact us: support@ridgerun.com
Developers wiki: https://developer.ridgerun.com
Website: www.ridgerun.com

We will check this. For now please follow the kernel section in developer guide to manually build RT kernel image.

I have now reinstalled the Jetpack 6.0 version with r36.3, and now everything is working. Thanks for your help.