Unbound variable running ngc-token.sh on a VM in AWS marketplace

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I’m following the instructions to access NVIDIA AI Enterprise on AWS marketplace. I’ve been following the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL8AsG0R0Bg. I was able to spin up the VM but getting the following error at 3:06:

ubuntu@ip-172-31-17-191:~$ ./ngc-token.sh -g
Use this token to authorize your VM on https://org.ngc.nvidia.com/activate

./ngc-token.sh: line 78: 1: unbound variable

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Hi Arun,

This is the forum for NVIDIA AI Workbench, not NVIDIA AI Enterprise. Apologies for the confusion.

Are you using NVIDIA AI Workbench? If not, you may be in the wrong forum.