"undefined reference" in extern C function - cudart/cuda/cutil OK

Hi everyone,
I’m trying to compile the following (veeery) simplified version of a project i’m on:

// file cuda.cu

global f1

global f2

global fn

extern “C” {
int myCudaFunc ( … )
// defined by other.c
function_other( … )

   // other code
   launchKernel <<< ... >>> ( ... )


// end of cuda.c

// file cpu.c

myCudaFunc ( … )

// end of cpu.c

// file others.c

sth function_other( … )

// glib function


// end of others.c

More or less that’s it.
Now I compile everything using the appropriate libraries so that cuda.o, cpu.o and others.o are produced.
The point is that when I try to link everything altoghether using gcc (or g++, doesn’t matter) an
“undefined reference to function function_other( … ) in myCudaFunc ( … )”
happens. The other functions, instead, seem to be seen correctly, as this is the only error happening at all.
Please take into account that the environment variables are correctly set as of cuda manual 3.0 and during linking phase all libraries (cuda, and glib, notably) and their header folders are passed as parameters to gcc
Thanks to everyone :D

in whatever header you’re including in the .cu file, define _other as extern “C”.

in whatever header you’re including in the .cu file, define _other as extern “C”.