understanding (half-)wraps

Hi i want to coalesce my memory access. Scenario is following. I have a big array of unsigned chars, kernel has to read 3 consecutive values in that array, compute something and return 3 consecutive floats into an output array.

My original approach was:

[codebox]void global kernel(uchar *in, float *out, long int size) {

int idx = ((blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x) * 3;

if(idx+3 < size) {

	float r, g, b;

	float y, u, v;

	b = (float)in[idx + 0];

	g = (float)in[idx + 1];

	r = (float)in[idx + 2];

	y = <calculations_using_bcg>

	u = <calculations_using_bcg>

	v = <calculations_using_bcg>

	out[idx + 0] = y;

	out[idx + 1] = u;

	out[idx + 2] = v;



and in the host code:


// memSize size is about 36,000,000

cudaMalloc((void **) &d_in_uchar, memSize * sizeof(uchar)); //device memory - in data

cudaMemcpy(d_in_uchar, img->uchar_data, memSize * sizeof(uchar), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); //copy image to the device

cudaMalloc((void **) &d_out_float, memSize * sizeof(float)); //output memory - out data

kernel<<< dimGrid, dimBlock >>>( d_in_uchar , d_out_float, memSize );


It had preety good efficiency ~54ms for the memSize indicated above

Then i read about coalescing memory access. In CUDA Technical Vol I training there is an example with float3 access coalescing, almost identical to my case.

And so i did following:


// #BLOCK_VOL is 16^2 = 256

void global kernel(uchar *in, float *out, long int size) {

int block_offset = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x * 3; //this is the address of our current grid

__shared__ float s_mem[BLOCK_VOL*3];

if((block_offset + threadIdx.x*3) < size) {

	float r, g, b;

// float y, u, v;

	s_mem[threadIdx.x] 				 =	(float)in[block_offset + threadIdx.x];

	s_mem[threadIdx.x + 1*BLOCK_VOL] = 	(float)in[block_offset + threadIdx.x + 1*BLOCK_VOL];

	s_mem[threadIdx.x + 2*BLOCK_VOL] = 	(float)in[block_offset + threadIdx.x + 2*BLOCK_VOL];


	b = s_mem[threadIdx.x*3 + 0];

	g = s_mem[threadIdx.x*3 + 1];

	r = s_mem[threadIdx.x*3 + 2];

	s_mem[threadIdx.x*3 + 0] = <do_the_same_calculations_with_bgr_as before>

	s_mem[threadIdx.x*3 + 1] = <do_the_same_calculations_with_bgr_as before>

	s_mem[threadIdx.x*3 + 2] = <do_the_same_calculations_with_bgr_as before>


	out[block_offset + threadIdx.x] = s_mem[threadIdx.x];

	out[block_offset + threadIdx.x + 1*BLOCK_VOL] = s_mem[threadIdx.x + 1*BLOCK_VOL];

	out[block_offset + threadIdx.x + 2*BLOCK_VOL] = s_mem[threadIdx.x + 2*BLOCK_VOL];



The execution in host code is the same. But the code runs the SAME (or a little bit slower), time-wise, as before. The kernel execution is actually slower :(, but somehow the malloc+memcpy takes less time :P.

What the hell am i doing wrong?

Or is the access in the first case already coalesced? But it’s imposible right?


Hi i want to coalesce my memory access. Scenario is following. I have a big array of unsigned chars, kernel has to read 3 consecutive values in that array, compute something and return 3 consecutive floats into an output array.

My original approach was:

[codebox]void global kernel(uchar *in, float *out, long int size) {

int idx = ((blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x) * 3;

if(idx+3 < size) {

	float r, g, b;

	float y, u, v;

	b = (float)in[idx + 0];

	g = (float)in[idx + 1];

	r = (float)in[idx + 2];

	y = <calculations_using_bcg>

	u = <calculations_using_bcg>

	v = <calculations_using_bcg>

	out[idx + 0] = y;

	out[idx + 1] = u;

	out[idx + 2] = v;



and in the host code:


// memSize size is about 36,000,000

cudaMalloc((void **) &d_in_uchar, memSize * sizeof(uchar)); //device memory - in data

cudaMemcpy(d_in_uchar, img->uchar_data, memSize * sizeof(uchar), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); //copy image to the device

cudaMalloc((void **) &d_out_float, memSize * sizeof(float)); //output memory - out data

kernel<<< dimGrid, dimBlock >>>( d_in_uchar , d_out_float, memSize );


It had preety good efficiency ~54ms for the memSize indicated above

Then i read about coalescing memory access. In CUDA Technical Vol I training there is an example with float3 access coalescing, almost identical to my case.

And so i did following:


// #BLOCK_VOL is 16^2 = 256

void global kernel(uchar *in, float *out, long int size) {

int block_offset = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x * 3; //this is the address of our current grid

__shared__ float s_mem[BLOCK_VOL*3];

if((block_offset + threadIdx.x*3) < size) {

	float r, g, b;

// float y, u, v;

	s_mem[threadIdx.x] 				 =	(float)in[block_offset + threadIdx.x];

	s_mem[threadIdx.x + 1*BLOCK_VOL] = 	(float)in[block_offset + threadIdx.x + 1*BLOCK_VOL];

	s_mem[threadIdx.x + 2*BLOCK_VOL] = 	(float)in[block_offset + threadIdx.x + 2*BLOCK_VOL];


	b = s_mem[threadIdx.x*3 + 0];

	g = s_mem[threadIdx.x*3 + 1];

	r = s_mem[threadIdx.x*3 + 2];

	s_mem[threadIdx.x*3 + 0] = <do_the_same_calculations_with_bgr_as before>

	s_mem[threadIdx.x*3 + 1] = <do_the_same_calculations_with_bgr_as before>

	s_mem[threadIdx.x*3 + 2] = <do_the_same_calculations_with_bgr_as before>


	out[block_offset + threadIdx.x] = s_mem[threadIdx.x];

	out[block_offset + threadIdx.x + 1*BLOCK_VOL] = s_mem[threadIdx.x + 1*BLOCK_VOL];

	out[block_offset + threadIdx.x + 2*BLOCK_VOL] = s_mem[threadIdx.x + 2*BLOCK_VOL];



The execution in host code is the same. But the code runs the SAME (or a little bit slower), time-wise, as before. The kernel execution is actually slower :(, but somehow the malloc+memcpy takes less time :P.

What the hell am i doing wrong?

Or is the access in the first case already coalesced? But it’s imposible right?


This will have increased your register count. When you copy from global mem to shared mem, it goes into a register first. The increased number of regs could have decreased the gpu occupancy. Plus your kernel does not see much benefit with shared memory, there were three reads and three writes to global mem earlier, and there are three now, albeit coalesced. You can try having a block operate on a smaller dataset, and increase the number of blocks.

This will have increased your register count. When you copy from global mem to shared mem, it goes into a register first. The increased number of regs could have decreased the gpu occupancy. Plus your kernel does not see much benefit with shared memory, there were three reads and three writes to global mem earlier, and there are three now, albeit coalesced. You can try having a block operate on a smaller dataset, and increase the number of blocks.

Bank conflicts exist only with a “warp”

Bank conflicts exist only with a “warp”

To understand the concept of half wraps better, let’s visualize four half-wraps, which together form two complete wraps.

External Media

Bank conflicts occur in each half wrap only.

You could also think of it in terms of “warps” and “half warps”, but I find that less comprehensive.

External Media

To understand the concept of half wraps better, let’s visualize four half-wraps, which together form two complete wraps.

External Media

Bank conflicts occur in each half wrap only.

You could also think of it in terms of “warps” and “half warps”, but I find that less comprehensive.

External Media

Correct about bank conflicts happening among half warps only (on Tesla). My bad, I’ve edited my post.

Correct about bank conflicts happening among half warps only (on Tesla). My bad, I’ve edited my post.