Unreal engine OptiXDenoise

Hello guys, not a clue! No links, no docs, no videos…


Hi @albertotrunk.ac, welcome to the OptiX developer forum!

I’m afraid I don’t understand your post, is there a question for the OptiX team? What documentation are you looking for?


There is no documentation at all :)

What documentation are you looking for?

The OptiX API and SDK do have documentation. You can find it here:

Latest Release message (pinned to this channel):
OptiX 7.5 Release

Top level OptiX documentation index:
NVIDIA OptiX 7.6

OptiX Programming Guide:

API documentation:

OptiX Denoiser chapter:

Nvidia SDK documentation center:

OptiX Blog Post:

In addition, our SDK comes with embedded documentation, header files, and many examples.

What we don’t have is Unreal documentation, if that’s what you’re looking for. For that you would need to look at the Unreal site and/or forums, possibly here: Unreal Engine 5 Documentation | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation


So we have an nvidia tech without documentation, published

Would you mind elaborating on what you are actually looking for, or what you need to do? Are you expecting the OptiX SDK to have Unreal Engine documentation? I’m still confused by your posts.


Yeah, like ray tracing or dlss 😅

This is what the Unreal Engine 5.1 documentation has to say about denoising options:

Apparently you just need to enable the provided denoiser plugins and if you have both enabled, select the one you want to use with r.PathTracing.SpatialDenoiser.Type set to 0 for the OpenImage denoiser and 1 for the OptiX denoiser and then render with path tracing.

The OptiX SDK discussed on this developer forum is just providing the necessary API to implement such things.
It’s the responsibility of the respective authors of any software using OptiX to provide additional information.
According to your very first screenshot that OptiXDenoise plugin has been authored by Epic Games, Inc.

Also note that while the OptiX denoiser is hardware accelerated, it might not be the fastest available solution for real-time game engines.
There are also NVIDIA Real-Time Denoisers (NRD) which are specifically designed for that use case: https://developer.nvidia.com/rtx/ray-tracing/rt-denoisers

Coincidentally the links in the “NVIDIA RTX News” section there currently lead to presentations which discuss NVIDIA technology inside the Unreal Engine as well.

Yes I agree

Oh thanks! What I was looking for is a technology that allows to train a model for interference. I’ll take a look to NRD ;)

The OptiX Denoiser cannot be trained outside of NVIDIA. Its implementation has changed a lot over time with advances in deep learning research. Meaning each display driver version might use a different trained model and that doesn’t allow providing an own network.

Note that the NVIDIA Real-Time Denoisers are hardcoded implementations. They can’t be trained at all.

If you’re just looking for how to train a denoiser in general, maybe have a look at the Open Image Denoise code repository on github which contains training scripts allowing that.

Ok! thanks a lot :)