"Unsupported function signature" for no-parameter function Calling constant function cause

I got a runtime error of “Unsupported function signature” whenever the code calls functions that take no argument. The clBuildProgram doesn’t complain.

The following is an example:

float computePI()
return 3.141592654f;

__kernel void test_calc_kernel(__global void *heap, __global unsigned int *printbuf)
float pi;

pi = computePI();

printbuf[1] = 0;


The obvious workaround of adding a dummy parameter will work. And for now, I can get by having say a computePI macro call the function with the dummy parameter. But this looks like something that should be fixed.

I am on CUDA 2.3. Actually, I tried 3.0 Beta but I uninstalled both the SDK and drivers; if that makes any difference.

If you change your function declaration to:

float computePI(void)
return 3.141592654f;

you should be fine (on 3.0, at least)