Update to 3D Object Pose Estimation for Omniverse Isaac Sim?

The “3D Object Pose Estimation with Pose CNN Decoder” looks exactly what I’d like to build upon. (https://docs.nvidia.com/isaac/isaac/packages/object_pose_estimation/doc/pose_cnn_decoder.html) It still refers to things I can’t find, like ‘factory of the future’…
“~/isaac_sim_unity3d$ ./builds/factory_of_the_future.x86_64 --scene Factory01 --scenario 8”

I had had challenges with the 3D Object recognition example until I was pointed to an updated version, e.g., with more recent versions of things such that supported the RTX 3070 GPU.

Has the 3D Object Pose Estimation example been updated?

No, unfortunately we have not the updated version of 3D Object pose estimation base don OV Isaac Sim, but it is on our roadmap.

However, you can use OV Isaac Sim for 3D object Pose estimate but we have not published an example for it yet.
