Updating Linux and Recovery Partitions in UEFI L4T Configuration

In UEFI, the L4T configuration includes both Linux partitions and recovery partitions for booting. Do these correspond to nvme0n1p2 and nvme0n1p8, respectively? If so, can I use dd to update them, for example:
dd if=Image of=/dev/nvme0n1p2
dd if=initrd of=/dev/nvme0n1p8
Would this method work for updating these partitions?

Additionally, in recovery mode (when entering initrd), the backspace key doesn’t function. How can this be resolved?

Hi zhj18115188906,

Are you using the devkit or custom board?
What’s to your Jetpack version in use?

Please refer to Flashing Support — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation to update the specific partition.

Please also update the kernel Image under /boot/Image since you might load kernel image from here rather than the partition.

It is the expected behavior is recovery kernel image.

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