USB Ethernet Gadget not connecting

For reference I found this here (they have a support email address, but you probably won’t need it…still, it is there):

Fascinating device. To test for the CDC_EEM driver on the Jetson:
zcat /proc/config.gz | grep -i 'cdc_eem'

You might still need a udev file like “/etc/udev/rules.d/99-com.rules” (I don’t know for sure if that is for your device, but if you attach a copy to the forums, then we can find out…you might need to rename it with a .txt suffix).

The CDC_EEM is a standard driver, but you might need to build it as a module (which install is then just a file copy…ignore docs which want you to flash since you are not installing a new kernel and are just adding a module).

The docs associated with your specific L4T release have the official information in the “kernel customization” section, see the docs for your release:
(to find the L4T release use “head -n 1 /etc/nv_tegra_release”)

If the official docs are not enough, here is some extra info on kernel build:

If your system does not have that already, although the docs are extensive, it is much easier than it sounds for a module install.