USB3.0 layout


Dielectric is the material between copper layers; the distance between trace and adjacent reference plane. They recommend you space TX and RX pairs 4x or 3x dielectric apart.

Thanks for mhd0425 for the explanation. Yes as said, you can also find below info in same doc.

tanks your reply!
I want to know the differential signal trace spacing about usb3.0 and pcie? i.e PCIE0_TX1_N and PCIE0_TX1_P

What do you mean? As said, it depends on your PCB board stack-up as the space is based on dielectric. If you mean the space b/w TX/RX, it is as below info.

TX and RX should not be routed on the same layer. If this is required in a design, they should not be interleaved, and the spacing between the closest RX and TX lanes must be 9x Dielectric height spacing.

