Using cv::cuda in DeepStream gst-dsexample

Exception seems to be related to the build of Dsexample

In some threads(OpenCV build script) , you mention launching the script to build opencv for cuda, what i did

It allows me to make run successfully algorithms with cv::cuda::GpuMat

I find it is a shame that Deepstream SDK Gstreamer Plugin Example just works with usual openCV / Cpu Mat, since Jetson revolves around GPU and Nvidia CUDA

You mention using cv::cuda::GpuMat in your Developer Guide but all the rest is left to us to look for and information on internet is quasi inexistant

Maybe because you want us to use VPI ? and then there is no example of VPI integration into Deepstream

I don’t have any “issue” with Deepstream SDK since what i want to do is not officially supported, I’m just looking for help, this is what a forum is about

Nobody can point me to a modified Makefile of Dsexample that would successfully build with OpenCV on CUDA ?

Sorry for the rant but its kinda frustrating