I just reflashed my jetson orin agx developer kit with jetpack 6.2 with the sdk manager. After the installation, there was no bin
directory inside /usr/local/cuda
. Inside /usr/local/cuda
there is only gds
, include
, lib64
and targets
. How can I get the binary for nvcc
Here are some suggestions for the common issues:
1. Performance
Please run the below command before benchmarking deep learning use case:
$ sudo nvpmodel -m 0
$ sudo jetson_clocks
2. Installation
Installation guide of deep learning frameworks on Jetson:
- TensorFlow: Installing TensorFlow for Jetson Platform - NVIDIA Docs
- PyTorch: Installing PyTorch for Jetson Platform - NVIDIA Docs
We also have containers that have frameworks preinstalled:
Data Science, Machine Learning, AI, HPC Containers | NVIDIA NGC
3. Tutorial
Startup deep learning tutorial:
- Jetson-inference: Hello AI World guide to deploying deep-learning inference networks and deep vision primitives with TensorRT and NVIDIA Jetson
- TensorRT sample: Jetson/L4T/TRT Customized Example - eLinux.org
4. Report issue
If these suggestions don’t help and you want to report an issue to us, please attach the model, command/step, and the customized app (if any) with us to reproduce locally.
Here’s contents of ls /usr/local/cuda
bin, doc, EULA.txt, gds, lib64, nvvm, share, tools,
compute-sanitizer, DOCS, extras, include, nvml, README, targets, version.json.
What I noticed is that after flashing jetpack6.2 to orin agx dev kit is that sdkmanager then presented a dialogbox stating to logon to orin desktop and click through first boot. Then it will offer to install cuda and other SDKs.
So I think what you can do is attach the Orin(usbc) to host(usb) cable. Start your host and start sdkmanager. Then start your orin NOT in recovery mode, and after logging on to orin desktop, sdkmanager should offer to install the sdks including cuda, tensorrt, and whichever checkboxes you click.
Or, if you already did that with sdkmanager then you could
sudo apt install cuda-toolkit-12-6 cuda-nvcc-12-6
If you want to get the dev package, please run the following command:
$ sudo apt install nvidia-jetpack-dev
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