Video Codec for Deepstream 2.0

Hi, I m searching for a way to install this for deep stream. Are there any working solutions?


Could you provide us some information, so that we can provide the answer you need:

  1. GPU being used
  2. OS
  3. Driver version
  4. Could you also provide us some details about your workflow, so that we can find the right solution for you?

Ryan Park

Hi Ryan,

GPU being used
Tesla P4


Ubuntu 16.04

Driver version

Could you also provide us some details about your workflow, so that we can find the right solution for you?

Trying out DeepStrem SDK 2.0, installation guidelines stated required VideoCodecSDK.

I would like to know if there is any available installation guidelines.


Hi thinman91,

Thanks for providing the info.

You just have to install the Video Codec SDK for Linux. Go to this page to download the SDK:

The installation guidelines for Video Codec SDK will be available to you as part of the download package once you download the file.

Ryan Park

Hi Ryan,

Thanks for replying me. I downloaded the file and extract it. But I did not see any installation guidelines within the folders. Version is Video_Codec_SDK_8.2.15

Please provide me the installation guide if possible.
