From your VI trace, it seems no video is detected on the Jetson system. Can you make sure your sensor is sending video? I suggest if the sensor has status registers about streaming or a frame-counter.
Just to make sure, when you say “sometimes works”, are you getting a correct image?
Which command are you using to stream?
Just to make sure, when you say “sometimes works”, are you getting a correct image?
Yes after multiple rebooting, I have getting proper video output.
Which command are you using to stream?
I am using gstreamer ordinary video command:-
gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! video/x-raw,format=UYVY ! videoconvert ! xvimagesink.
If there is no signal receive from sensor means, how i am receiving video. I am bit confused.
It may be an issue in the camera sensor. It does not generate valid frame data in each launch. If the camera is stable, the command should be run successfully for each time.
DaneLLL is right, if you are able to capture correct images the driver seems to be configured correctly. However, it looks to be that the camera is not stable when you can’t get video. That’s why you should check camera registers or check the signals when you are not able to capture. According to your VI trace, when that happens, the system is not detecting any data from the camera.
Earlier I tried with L4T 32.7.5 version, here camera is working for all attempt( I tried multiple times, It is working without any intermediate issues).
In this jetpack 5 only, it is behaving like this. what may be the reason?
I have identified the condition under which the camera works correctly. The camera functions properly when the temperature exceeds 70°C. However, it does not work before reaching 70°C (typically, the camera starts working after the module heats up).
Would you still like me to check with JetPack 5.1.4?
besides, there’re camera bug fixes according to Jetson Linux 35.6.0 Release Notes.
if that’s possible, please moving to the latest JP-5 (i.e. JetPack 5.1.4) release version to verify this issue again,
Update: I have tested with the latest JetPack 5.1.4 and observed the following behavior:
The camera starts working after the temperature exceeds 44°C. However, when I cooled the module down to 38°C and checked the camera, it continued to work. But, once the temperature dropped below 36°C, the camera stopped working. From this point, I turned off the cooling fan, and as the temperature increased back to 44°C, I tried using the camera between 36°C and 44°C, but it didn’t work. Only when the temperature exceeded 44°C did the camera start functioning again.
It looks to be an issue in the thermal solution. Looks like it is not stable in some temperature range. A bit strange you don’t observe the issue on r32.7.5.
Please share the log of Jetpack 5.1.4 for reference. Certain issues are fixed in later releases and the error message may be different.
Also would suggest check the MIPI signal when the system is in the error condition. It does not look to be a pure software issue. Looks like the source does not generate stable frame data in the condition.