Visionworks: Rotate image

I have been looking through samples and API information and can’t find how to rotate an image in Visionworks. Any help is appreciated.


Search for “Flip Image” in the visionworks documentation.

vx_node nvxFlipImageNode (vx_graph graph, vx_image input, vx_image output, vx_enum flip_mode)
[Graph] Flips the input image. More…

vx_status nvxuFlipImage (vx_context context, vx_image input, vx_image output, vx_enum flip_mode)
[Immediate] Flips the input image. More…

Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, that will only flip the image and not allow it to rotate by a specified amount (i.e.: I would like to rotate the image 60 degrees or some other arbitrary amount).

You’ll probably have to write your own function to do that.