volatile and __syncthreads and in warp... but still not what I expect Question on how to use shared

Hi All,

Hopefully this I am missing something obvious here, as I imagine this is a common task.

In the following code I would expect that after the call to testSampleKernel, I would have d_dist filled with 32 values of 32, as each thread in in each block just accumulates one to a volatile shared variable (32 blocks of 32 threads). Instead I get 32 values of 1.

Can someone shed some light on why I’m not getting what I think I should be getting?



#include <stdio.h>

#define NLU 32

__global__ void testSampleKernel(int* dist) {

	volatile __shared__ int count;

	if(threadIdx.x == 0) count = 0;




	if(threadIdx.x == 0) dist[blockIdx.x] = count;


void testSample() {


		*h_dist = new int[NLU],



	cudaMalloc((void**)&d_dist, NLU*sizeof(int));

	testSampleKernel<<<NLU, NLU>>>(d_dist);


	cudaMemcpy(h_dist, d_dist, NLU*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

	unsigned int tot(0u);

	for(i=0; i<NLU; ++i) {

		printf("%d, ", h_dist[i]);

		tot += h_dist[i];


	printf("tot = %d (should equal %d)\n", tot, NLU*NLU);


	delete [] h_dist;


int main(int argc, char* argv[])  {



	return 1; // ...it isn't really working.


The access and incrementing of count is not atomic. The execution model only guarantees that the value of a single thread per warp will be written during simultaneous writes to the same shared memory location. To make your kernel work as expected, you will need to use an atomic access primitive. Something like this:

__global__ void testSampleKernel(int* dist) {

        volatile __shared__ int count;

        if(threadIdx.x == 0) count = 0;


        (void)atomicInc(&count, 1);


        if(threadIdx.x == 0) dist[blockIdx.x] = count;


will work on compute capability 1.2 or greater cards. There are more efficient ways to do summation in shared memory that using atomics - see the SDK reduction example.