VPI RGBA -> NV12 more than 2x slower than documented

Below is my repro of the VPI Image Format Converter benchmark running on an AGX with JetPack 4.4. It takes around 0.45ms. How do I speed it up to resemble the documented 0.1447ms ?

//usr/bin/g++ $0 -lnvvpi && ./a.out; exit
#include <vpi/VPI.h>
#include <vpi/algo/ImageFormatConverter.h>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring> // memset
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    uint32_t width = 1920, height = 1080;
    std::vector<uint32_t> rgbaSrcBuffer(width*height, ~0);
    VPIImageData hostData;
    memset(&hostData, 0, sizeof(hostData));
    hostData.type                = VPI_IMAGE_TYPE_RGBA8;
    hostData.numPlanes           = 1;
    hostData.planes[0].width     = width;
    hostData.planes[0].height    = height;
    hostData.planes[0].rowStride = width * sizeof(uint32_t);
    hostData.planes[0].pixelType = VPI_PIXEL_TYPE_4U8;
    hostData.planes[0].data      = rgbaSrcBuffer.data();
    VPIImage srcRGBA, dstNV12, dstRGBA;
    vpiImageWrapHostMem(&hostData, VPI_IMAGE_ONLY_CUDA, &srcRGBA);
    vpiImageCreate(width, height, VPI_IMAGE_TYPE_NV12, VPI_IMAGE_ONLY_CUDA, &dstNV12);
    vpiImageCreate(width, height, VPI_IMAGE_TYPE_RGBA8, VPI_IMAGE_ONLY_CUDA, &dstRGBA);
    VPIStream stream;
    vpiStreamCreate(VPI_DEVICE_TYPE_CUDA, &stream);
    VPIEvent start, end;
    vpiEventCreate(0, &start);
    vpiEventCreate(0, &end);
    VPIConversionPolicy convPolicy = VPI_CONVERSION_CAST;
    float scale = 1.f, offset = 0.f;
    vpiSubmitImageFormatConverter(stream, srcRGBA, dstNV12, convPolicy, scale, offset);
    for (int i=0; i<500; i++) {
        vpiSubmitImageFormatConverter(stream, dstNV12, dstRGBA, convPolicy, scale, offset);
        vpiSubmitImageFormatConverter(stream, dstRGBA, dstNV12, convPolicy, scale, offset);
    vpiSubmitImageFormatConverter(stream, dstNV12, dstRGBA, convPolicy, scale, offset);
    vpiEventRecord(start, stream);
    vpiSubmitImageFormatConverter(stream, dstRGBA, dstNV12, convPolicy, scale, offset);
    vpiEventRecord(end, stream);
    float msec = -1.f;
    vpiEventElapsedTime(start, end, &msec);
    printf("Convert From NV12 time: %f ms\n", msec);
    return 0;
/* https://docs.nvidia.com/vpi/algo_imageconv.html#autotoc_md47
Jetson AGX Xavier 
size      input  output  conv. scale offset CPU    CUDA        PVA
1920x1080 rgba8  nv12    cast  1     0      7.4 ms 0.1447 ms   n/a

$ sudo nvpmodel -m0 && sudo jetson_clocks && sudo jetson_clocks --show && ./a.out && ./a.out && ./a.out
SOC family:tegra194  Machine:Jetson-AGX
Online CPUs: 0-7
CPU Cluster Switching: Disabled
cpu0: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=2265600 MaxFreq=2265600 CurrentFreq=2265600 IdleStates: C1=0 c6=0 
cpu1: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=2265600 MaxFreq=2265600 CurrentFreq=2265600 IdleStates: C1=0 c6=0 
cpu2: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=2265600 MaxFreq=2265600 CurrentFreq=2265600 IdleStates: C1=0 c6=0 
cpu3: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=2265600 MaxFreq=2265600 CurrentFreq=2265600 IdleStates: C1=0 c6=0 
cpu4: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=2265600 MaxFreq=2265600 CurrentFreq=2265600 IdleStates: C1=0 c6=0 
cpu5: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=2265600 MaxFreq=2265600 CurrentFreq=2265600 IdleStates: C1=0 c6=0 
cpu6: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=2265600 MaxFreq=2265600 CurrentFreq=2265600 IdleStates: C1=0 c6=0 
cpu7: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=2265600 MaxFreq=2265600 CurrentFreq=2265600 IdleStates: C1=0 c6=0 
GPU MinFreq=1377000000 MaxFreq=1377000000 CurrentFreq=1377000000
EMC MinFreq=204000000 MaxFreq=2133000000 CurrentFreq=2133000000 FreqOverride=1
Fan: speed=77
NV Power Mode: MAXN
Convert From NV12 time: 0.412320 ms
Convert From NV12 time: 0.464224 ms
Convert From NV12 time: 0.425632 ms


The benchmark score is tested with GPU buffer.

It seems that you are wrapping a VPIImage from a host CPU buffer.
This may have some impact on the memory access speed.


srcRGBA is a host buffer, but it is not involved in the timed actions. I would expect both dstRGBA and dstNV12 to be GPU buffers. Am I mistaken? And, if I am mistaken, how would I make them GPU buffers?


vpiImageWrapHostMem is a wrapper for CPU buffer.

To create a GPU buffer, please allocate the buffer with cudaMalloc or cudaMallocManaged.
Then use vpiImageWrapCudaDeviceMem to wrap the buffer into VPI image.


Does vpiImageCreate(width, height, VPI_IMAGE_TYPE_RGBA8, VPI_IMAGE_ONLY_CUDA, &dstRGBA); create a GPU buffer?


Please noticed this create an image from allocating a new buffer rather than wrapping an existing buffer.
