VR Simulator

Hello there, My name is Marcus and I’m sure you get emails like this on a daily basis, but my father and I have come up with an idea that we know will work.

My Father (Owner) is a professional stunt rider for films and private shows, Now I’m sure your sat wondering what on earth does stunt riding have to do with computers and this is where our idea came into action.

We would like to create a VR simulator that gives people the realism of being on a bike and stunting we are currently working on the hydraulic system that a real bike will be mounted to that will react to the game so that the operator gets a sense of feel on how a bike would feel and handle in such situations.

This idea came after a relative who tried such stunts ended up losing his life over it, so we wanted to create this to help prevent or reduce the number of casualties every year caused to people not knowing how to handle a bike in such situations whether it be them out of control or just simply them trying to learn something new.

This simulator is designed to have the realistic feel and reaction a bike would but without the risk, We have studied hard and know its something we can pull off and would love for you to help us along the way.

Now I’m sure you’re wondering well if we were to help you how would it benefit you.

We currently have 900+ people viewing our Facebook page daily
we have a lot of traffic coming in from other social media platforms like Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook, Youtube and more.

We host events and shows for crowds exceeding 10,000+ people.

We would love to work with you and help create this machine together.

Many thanks, Marcus