VRWorks 360 SDK Can not download

I am reproducing a research about 360 video system,but i can’t find the vrworks 360 sdk for linux
Anyone can do me a favor ? SDK_2.1_for linux
Here is my email ,thank u:




Here is a link to the direct download, let us know if you have any issue downloading it.
Please keep in mind VRWorks 360 Video SDK is no longer receiving updates.

VRWorks 360 Video SDK 2.1 for Linux | NVIDIA Developer

Sorry,I found that I need the sdk_2.1_for win now.
I make a mistake for choosing the wrong version.
Could you help me again for uploading the windows version.plz!

No problem, here you go: VRWorks 360 Video SDK 2.1 for Windows | NVIDIA Developer

QAQ!u are my Savior,Thank u a lot!

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