[Warning] [omni.client.plugin] Main: usd_plugin: OrthogonalizeBasis did not converge, matrix may not be orthonormal

Once a run my python-application, i become this “warning”, that dont let the simulation run correctly. Its like a internal error and I dont know how to fix this problem…
I need soon an answer to this problem

2022-03-17 06:41:02 [41,567ms] [Warning] [omni.client.plugin]  Main: usd_plugin: OrthogonalizeBasis did not converge, matrix may not be orthonormal.
2022-03-17 06:41:02 [41,567ms] [Warning] [omni.usd] Warning: in Orthonormalize at line 495 of /buildAgent/work/ca6c508eae419cf8/USD/pxr/base/gf/matrix4d.cpp -- OrthogonalizeBasis did not converge, matrix may not be orthonormal.

kit_20220317_074021.log (1.1 MB)