Waveworks 2.0 for Unreal Engine 5

Hello greetings, where can I get a version of WaveWorks 2.0 for Unreal Engine, on GitHub there is a version for Unreal Engine 4.19 that doesn’t work for me, I need WaveWorks 2.0 compatible with Unreal Engine 5, there must be a version available for Unreal Engine because Atlas uses WaveWorks 2.0.

Thank you very much I hope you have a good day.

Hello @aliriovidal11 and welcome to the NVIDIA developer forums!

Unfortunately development on Waveworks specific Unreal Engine plugins has been deprecated. If you are interested in using it, you should have a look at the Waveworks SDK and integrate it directly into your project independent of UE.

For a complete list of officially supported UE5 plugins please have a look at our Unreal Engine pages.

I hope this helps!

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Thank you very much for your time and attention, is there a guide on how to implement it?

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Additional question: what are the terms of a commercial license for software utilizing nVidia’s Waveworks SDK? Is it free with a requirement of acknowledgement of library use? Or, is nVidia requiring fees?

The SDK download is more or less one big example implementation. The API is pretty straight-foward, so understanding and replicating usage should not be too hard. But other than that there is no official NVIDIA guide or documentation.

Sorry it took a year to answer, the follow-up question was probably lost in too many notifications.

And welcome to @jklappenbach to the NVIDIA developer forums and this grandfather thread.

The licensing details can be found in the EULA on the SDK download page. I am no legal expert and cannot give advice on this. But usually NVIDIA does not require licensing fees for these kind of SDKs.