I am investigating what is possible when halting CBOOT of the NX GPU. This is what I see:
TEGRA194 # help
command list:
help - print command description/usage
? - alias for ‘help’
echo - echo args to console
exit - exit shell
history - command history
setvar - set a variable with user specified value
printvar - print value of specified variable
boot - kernel boot
mmu - info about mmu
Is it possible to do any mem test like with u-boot or other functionality ?
That ‘help’ list is the extent of CBoot commands available - CBoot was meant to incorporate some of the flexibility & debug commands we had in U-Boot, but that just never happened, and now UEFI is the CPU-BL of choice, with CBoot being deprecated/EOL’d. So there’s no mem test, reg r/w, etc. like U-Boot. But since the CBoot source code is publicly released (T186/T194), you can add your own routines/functions to the console.